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Expectations for Hospital Tutors
1-2 hours per week commitment at the Hospital
Only 2 absences per semester for any reason
If >2 absences, OEC directors reserve the right to dismiss a tutor
Reporting Absences
Complete this absence form
Email your education specialist and inform them of your absence
Make sure to cc in that email
General Expectations
Always wear your M-Card while in the hospital (it should be placed above hip length)
For Winter 2020 it is expected that all returning hospital tutors begin tutoring the week of January 13th
Always be in contact with the OEC board if you can questions or concerns
You must attend a hospital information session to be eligible to apply for winter 2020 (if there are extenuating circumstances that prevent that please contact the OEC board)
OEC Hospital Information Session PowerPoints
The session for returning hospital tutors link HERE
The session for community tutors interested in hospital tutoring link HERE
OEC Active Tutors
OEC Active Tutor Requirements
Actively tutor at a site & receive positive site feedback
Attend a mandatory learning session
Attend at least one monthly meeting
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