Community Tutoring
Peace Neighborhood Center (PNC)
Peace Neighborhood Center's Youth Services help young people discover options and make choices that lead them to self-sufficiency and greater social involvement. The various programs that comprise Peace Neighborhood Center Youth Services are all aimed at making this goal a reality.
Commitment: approx. 1 hr/week
Days of programs: Monday-Thursday
Times of programs: Specific times below
Transportation: Carpool or Michigan White Bus
Address: 1111 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48103
REACH Elementary Program (Tue/Thu 5:45-6:45)
The REACH After-School Program, for children in kindergarten through 5th grades. OEC tutors spend time building mentoring relationships with students throughout the year while assisting them in their academics through one-on-one tutoring.
Middle School Group Tutoring (Mon/Wed 5:30-6:45)

The middle school group tutoring, for children grades 6-8, operates on Monday and Wednesdays between September and June. OEC tutors work with a group of middle school students one various assignments and projects throughout the school year.
High School Tutoring (appointment only)
High school tutoring occurs solely on an appointment basis. Therefore, while we encourage OEC tutors to partake in tutoring high school students when the need is their, we ask that OEC tutors participate in one of the other two programs consistently and tutor the highschool students as needed.
Email with any questions or concerns.
826 Michigan
826 Michigan inspires school-aged students to write confidently and skillfully with the help of adult volunteers in their communities. 826 opened its doors in June of 2005. Since then, they have been blessed with students, tutors, and volunteers overflowing with enthusiasm.
Commitment: 2 hrs/week
Days of programs: Monday & Tuesday
Times of programs:Specific Times Below
Transporation: Walking Distance
Address: 115 E. Liberty St., Ann Arbor, MI, 48104
After School Tutoring (Mon-Tues 4:00-6:00pm)
826michigan is proud to offer a completely free tutoring program for students between 8 and 18 years old. “Drop-in” means that students may arrive at any time while the program is running and receive homework help from one of our tutors. OEC tutors will work weekly with students on various school assignments.
Field Trips (Wed/Fri 9:30am-12:00pm)
An entire public school classroom visits 826Michigan’s writing lab in downtown Ann Arbor for an action-packed two-hour experience filled with surprises and focused on building students’ confidence in their writing. OEC tutors will work to run and lead the events as students venture in to 826 for their fieldtrip experience.

Email with any questions or concerns.
Community Action Network (CAN)
We are partnering with Community Action Network (CAN) to provide in-person tutoring for students Pre-K through 12 in Washtenaw. CAN works with under-resourced neighborhoods to build a more equitable future. In CAN’s After School Programs, students are part of a supportive community which includes enrichment, social-emotional development, homework, nutrition, and much more! Read more about CAN’s After School Programs here. Placement at CAN would entail a weekly 1-3 hour commitment (based on site need and tutor availability).