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Educational and Learning Resources

This page includes a list of resources that can assist with tutoring.

For extra suggestions, please email us at with a link and a brief explanation of the resource!


200 Free Kids Educational Resources: Video Lessons, Apps, Books, Websites & MoreProvides more specific resources geared towards certain areas of study (psychology, philosophy, biology, economics, etc). Mostly provides additional links to free videos but also has links to paid online courses as well. Also provides access to many of the other links on this document. 


826: Resources for Families – List of home learning and activity resources, food distribution and child care


826: Writing Challenge – Creative writing submissions to, weekly updates on new writing prompts


9 Free Educational Game Sites for Kids – A list of sites offering online learning games that are a great way to transform study time and stale classroom activities.


95 Resources for Teaching Social and Emotional Learning to Children – A bullying prevention resource with tips, warning signs, prevention resources, and a lot more.


Anti-bias Teaching in Practice - List of resources by the Early childhood Educational Assembly about anti-racist work, teaching about bias, and tools educators can use 


Books to read about racism and anti-racist work - The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, So You Want to Talk About Race, White Fragility, The Color of Law, The Strange Career of Jim Crow, Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present


Chegg Learn – A free learning resource that provides students with comprehensive information on a wide range of topics spanning relevant coursework like Chemistry, Economics, Computer Software, Statistics, Accounting, and Physics


Chegg Prep – A free service students can use to find, create, share and study flashcards for any subject -- without a monthly subscription. You can also access a repository of 20M+ already-created flashcards for students to study or use in their own flashcard decks.


Common Sense Media: Online learning supplement resources – Provides list of online resources including instructional tools (Brain Pop, Khan academy, PBS kids, creation games, and online communities to create collaborative learning) 

​ – Hundreds of different projects for building different skills


Google: Teach from Home – Specific for teachers converting their classes to online


Google: Learn from Home – Connects to Youtube learning, has an assortment of videos that are for specific age groups, subjects (math, humanities, science and electives) and virtual field trips 


Great Minds – Curricula and resources for math, science, english, and history PreK-12. Has free and paid material. Free material requires contact with the consumer team. 


Guides to all manufacturing technologies -  A collection of technical articles and guides on all manufacturing technologies, written by manufacturing experts, to expand engineering knowledge outside the classroom. They explore the impact of modern engineering on a diverse range of industries, from healthcare to artificial intelligence. 


iCivics – Educational games about government 


Kahoot – Gamified learning, self-study tab seems to have a lot of pre-made resources/lessons/quizzes


KiwiCo – Known for their STEM DIY subscription boxes, but has recently compiled many free at-home learning resources and projects for parents and kids


NaNoWriMo – 30 day creative writing challenge  


Ok Go Sandbox – Math and physics based experiments and art projects


Pen Pals – Online project based learning, students interact with others around the world, free access during pandemic  


Prodigy – Parents can set goals and monitor progress


Race Talk in the Early Childhood Classroom -  List of resources by the Early childhood Educational Assembly on why it is important to talk about race and how topics surrounding race and racism in early child room classrooms can be discussed


Remote learning with Khan Academy during school closures – Specific resources regarding remote learning for students, parents and teachers


Scholastic – Free 20 days worth of at home learning plans  


Scholastic Learn at Home: Projects, books, and games Pre-K to 12 – Free day-by-day learning activities over a 4 week period for grades K-9, includes videos, articles, and activities. 


Scratch – Introduction to coding while creating games and stories


Social Emotional Learning Activities – Free lessons, activities, and printables for elementary and middle school students in the following skill areas: Communication, Cooperation, Emotion Regulation, Empathy, Impulse Control, and Social Initiation.


So You Want to Learn About Juneteenth? - An article that further explains the history and significance of Juneteenth


Spreadsheet of 300+ Education Companies that are offering free subscriptions or worksheets – Comprehensive list of free subscriptions to educational resources


The 1619 Project - An initiative that reframes America's history by placing the effects of slavery and contributions of black Americans at the center of our national narrative.


Understanding Bias, Privilege, and Profiling - List of resources by the Early childhood Educational Assembly that can assist educators in addressing how, why, and where biases exist


Understanding Racism and Educational Institutions - List of resources by the Early childhood Educational Assembly that addresses the intersection of racism and education


Virtual Fieldtrips – Provides a wide variety of free virtual field trips including museums, zoos, aquariums, farms, national parks, historical sites and landmarks, and other planets


Virtual Roadtrip Around the USA – Includes a variety of free virtual field trips with links, activities, and games relating to each of the 50 states


What Anti-racist Teachers Do Differently - An article on how to promote anti-racist work in the classroom Academic Resources- is a trusted platform that provides free comprehensive resources and guides for students seeking education and personal growth. Check out these valuable resources to enhance your study skills and improve your academic performance:​
  • Creating an Effective Study Plan: Dive into this comprehensive guide to learn how to create a well-structured study plan that maximizes your productivity and helps you achieve your goals. Check it out here: Link to "Creating an Effective Study Plan".

  • Studying Smart Before Exams: Get ready to conquer your exams with intelligent study strategies. This resource provides insights and techniques to optimize your pre-exam preparation. Discover effective study techniques here: Link to "Studying Smart Before Exams".

  • Taking Effective Notes: Improve your note-taking skills with this in-depth resource. Learn how to capture key information, organize your notes, and create a valuable study resource. Enhance your note-taking abilities here: Link to "Taking Effective Notes".

  • Managing Stress: Stress can hinder your academic success. Discover practical tips and techniques for managing and reducing stress levels. Prioritize your well-being with these stress management strategies: Link to "Managing Stress".

  • Utilizing Test-Taking Strategies: Master the art of exam-taking with this resource. Explore effective strategies to approach different types of exams, manage your time wisely, and maximize your performance. Unlock your potential with these test-taking strategies: Link to "Utilizing Test-Taking Strategies".

​ Threats to children’s internet safety include invasions of privacy, cyberbullying,
sexting, and harassment. Options to protect your children include parental controls, apps and tracking software. But the most effective way to keep your kids safe is to talk with them about online risks, how to avoid them, and how they can come to you when something goes wrong.




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